Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Why I Work at Home: Reason 432

During my morning commute to work - from downstairs to upstairs - I paused to look at the backyard. I love gardening so I'm constantly checking to see if anything new has blossomed. My daughter came to stand by me for a minute and instead of, "Good morning," I said, "Oh, what's this?...It's a fawn!"

We stood enchanted for at least 10 minutes, watching a spotted White Tail youngster race around the yard. His mother stood just in the corner, where the tree line intrudes, making sure all was well.

When mother decided Speedy had had enough time in the open, she just disappeared into the trees. Speedy noticed within 2 seconds and jetted off after her.

My sweet daughter (whom, at three, resembled Speedy more than I care to recall)
said, "Well, that was nice." I replied,

"Yeah, that doesn't happen if you live in town...

...or have to go to work."

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