Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Learning Internet Business

I just returned from Entrepreneur Days in Atlanta, Georgia (that's U.S., not the current war zone.)

Heard excellent speakers, learned some things, realized some things and met people that are going to help my business (Creating Great Homes.com - click on the link down there on the right.)

But wait! That's not all!

While it's hard to separate out a single best part, here's one that has to be in contention for best part: meeting like-minded people.

Have you ever been among hundreds of people and found that you could really connect with every other person you met? Pretty amazing.

Add to that the fact that you are learning good things from almost everyone. It's heady stuff, let me tell you!

And laugh! I laughed all weekend.

You gotta' go next year.

Click on the Entrepreneur Days link on the lower right,
when you get to the Entrepreneur Days site, sign up for the information. That way, when it comes around next August, you'll hear about it in time to make plans.

Blessings on you!

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