Monday, July 21, 2008

Entrepreneur Days

I'm gearing up to go to my third conference for entrepreneurs. I can't wait!

I learned a ton about business, Internet marketing and gaining financial independence at the last two conferences. I am eager to go back for more financial education.

I knew I wanted to have some kind of Internet business, but wasn't entirely clear about how to go about it. Sure, there are a zillion people online promising to make you a millionaire overnight, but frankly...I don't trust 'em!

I knew I needed someone to teach me, someone I could trust, but where to find such a teacher?

My husband came across an interview published on World Net Daily. That interview was with Rhea Perry. Her background as a homeschooling mom was reassuring to me. The fact that she is educating her own children in matters of business, Internet marketing and being financially independent - largely through non-traditional means - rang true.

The fact the children are welcome at her business conference underscores that she practices what she preaches. You won't find many business meetings that welcome teenagers. But, think about it: where else are they going to learn how to become financially independent? Not in school! School prepares you for a job.

So, off to Rhea's Entrepreneur Days I went. I got no promises of becoming a millionaire overnight. I did get insight into the entrepreneurial mindset. I did get education about making money with eBay, the stock market and real estate, just to name a few.

I also got the opportunity to talk face-to-face with the people who've been there, done that. That's real life education!

You can check out the details on this year's Entrepreneur Days by clicking on the link in the Marilyn's Friends box on the right. Be sure to scroll way down the ED site to the pictures of the teachers. There are audio interviews to listen to for free. Good stuff.

Hope to see you there.

Blessings on you!

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